A letter was circulated informing UM citizens that internal investigation found that there is a lot of overlap in papers published by The Genius, which is unethical and against UM's core value. Therefore all publications by and co-authored with The Genius are blacklisted. The blacklisted papers cannot be used for performance evaluation, promotion and awards.
The letter is signed by deputy vice chancellor but we don't think he took the initiative to do investigation because he had been a supporter and defender of the clowns. This DVC promoted the Chief Clown to professor B despite the publication fraud scandal.
Most likely, the new vice chancellor took a stand against unethical practice. For this, we applaud and salute you, sir.
Read the letter.
The Chief Clown is retired and doesn't have to face the consequence. It is the young and not so young academic staff who are paying the price. Padan muka. Lain kali guna otak berfikir sebelum membabi-buta ikut tunjuk ajar orang bodoh.